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  • dannybillargent

Aggregate Industries touts its green credentials while polluting Chelmsford.

Updated: May 31, 2023

We understand that moving dirt from A to B is not a sexy business, which is probably why Aggregate Industry's public relations efforts are largely focused on their green credentials. Their Twitter feed is full of buzz-words like "sustainability", "Carbon reduction" and "safe environments", the same can be said of their parent company, Holcim Group, which posts lots of pretty pictures of exotic wildlife while boasting how it is saving the planet with concrete.

Children's playgrounds is another theme of Aggregate Industries PR efforts. While they promote the need for safe areas for children to play, their lorries cause concern among Chelmsford residents about their reckless speeds, the gravel they spill all over cycle lanes, and the large clouds of dust they emit into the air.

Anglia Ruskin University is situated on New Street and just a couple of hundred yards from Brook Street. Students walk or cycle up and down this road all day long and are forced to breathe in the air pollution left in the wake of speeding trucks.

This situation has been going on for years, and we know it isn't a problem that can't be solved, as we have visited the main area depot at Canvey and the roads there, are pristine. Perhaps this is where the executives work, and park their cars?

While in heated discussions with Aggregate Industries last year, one of their employees implied that there was little chance the bosses would spend the tens of thousands of pounds to fit the wheel washer and other equipment required to reduce the problem.

We do wonder how much money they have spent in that time with public relations firms, reputation management firms, and social media companies.

Ellis Whitehouse, chief reporter for Essex Live, filmed lorries leaving clouds of dust behind them. According to Aggregate Industries, these lorries only do fifteen miles per hour along this stretch of road.

We also had one of them say that we couldn't prove that the dust was coming from them, but we'll let you be the judge. This is typical of the cooperation we have had from Aggregate Industries, we believe they have no intention of rectifying the situation because they simply don't care, despite the image they portray on social media.

We aren't the first people to point out this hypocrisy ~ Yet another AI quarry in Devon failing to control dust emissions

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